Christmas 2019

Christmas is a very special time of year and we'd love for you to celebrate with us. There is so much going on at Linton Free Church over Christmas, scroll down to find out how you can join us, and click here to vote for your favourite carol which might be used in our Carol Service on the 15th of December.
Christmas Lighthouse (Sun 8th, 10:15am) - free activities for all primary aged Children, exploring the message of Christmas.
Christmas Cafe (Sun 15th, 10:15am) - every 3rd Sunday, the Free Church have a more informal and relaxed ‘Cafe Service’, complete with hot coffee and warm croissants! On the 15th of December this will be our annual Nativity and all age gathering which always ends up being a lot of fun.
Carol Service (Sun 15th, 6pm) - join us as we journey through the Christmas story together using traditional carols and Bible readings. After the carols, tea, coffee and cakes will be served in the hall with all proceeds going to charity.
Midnight Communion (Tue 24th, 11:30pm) - a quiet, reflective service, to see in Christmas together
Christmas Day Celebration (Wed 25th, 10:30am) - join us as we celebrate Christmas as one big all age family. All are welcome.

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