
Christmas 2024

This year, Linton Free Church (on Horn Lane) is hosting the following Christmas activities, a hybrid of in-person events and online using Zoom. All are welcome. 
  • Christmas Lighthouse (Sunday 1st, 10:30am, Church Hall) - free activities for all primary aged Children, exploring the message of Christmas on with crafts, games and snacks!
  • Christmas Cafe Church & Nativity - A CRACKER of a Service (Sunday 15th, 10:30am) - every 3rd Sunday, the Free Church have a more informal and relaxed ‘Cafe Service’. This December it will be combined with our virtual Nativity and is going to be super fun for everyone. In fact, it will be a CRACKER of a service (come and find out why!). Come in person, or log on to Zoom to join in with the service. 
  • Carols by Candlelight Service (Sunday 15th, 6:00pm) - join us as we journey through the Christmas story together using contemporary carols and Bible readings. It’s sure to prove fun for all the family and not to be missed! 
  • Christmas Reflections (Tuesday 17th, 7:30pm) - a chance to be still and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. 
  • Midnight Communion (Tuesday 24th, 11:30pm) - a quiet, reflective service, to see in Christmas together. 
  • Christmas Day Celebration (Wednesday 25th, 10:30am) - join us as we celebrate Christmas as one big all-age family. 

To join any of our Zoom services you can follow the details below. To join anything else, please sign up using the links above:
  1. Using your smartphone, laptop, computer or tablet: https://zoom.us/j/738909368 (Meeting ID: 738 909 368) Password: 538945
  2. Using your normal landline using one of these numbers below and entering the meeting ID: 738 909 368. The numbers to dial are: 0131 460 1196 or 0203 481 5237